True story is true, bro.
Meghan and I drove down Route 9, headed towards the mall.
"I like your new Twitter handle," I said, as we pulled up to a red light. She had recently changed it to reflect her love of t-rexes. "Mine's so boring. It's just my name and favorite number."
Meghan laughed.
"I'm sure we can come up with something better," she said, glancing to the right where a large light and fan store was located.
Above the white and windowed building was a sign: Paddle Fans.
"Hey, change it to paddle fans," she said pointing to the sign.
"Hmmm, I like that," I said, tucking paddle fans into the back of my mind. It was certainly more interesting than @kaitkanzler8. "Paddlefans it is."
And that's the [for serious] true story of how I got my handle for Twitter, Instagram, reddit and much of the social media I'm a part of. I always get awkward looks when I tell that story. My boyfriend passed the sign when we first started dating and had to ask if that's where I got my social media names. I had to admit that it was. The end.
you should maybe change the background of your blog, the way it is now makes it hard to read the text